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Seniors' Choir, a registered cultural welfare group, empowers Dandora youth through music education and community engagement. We address unemployment and crime by fostering talent, mentorship, and intergenerational collaboration. Our initiatives include environmental conservation and support for vulnerable populations, aiming to cultivate positive role models and transform our community.


Empower youths in the slums through choral music.


Become a self-sustaining hub for youth transformation, recognized nationally for bridging artistic talent with economic opportunity and social change.


  1. Empower youths in and within the slum areas.
  2. Identify and nurture talents within the group and the community.
  3. Generate income for members through music and other related activities within the group.
  4. Serve, educate and spread hope to the community through music and community service.
  5. Be ambassadors of change in the slums.
  6. Conserve the environment through tree and flower planting and beautification.
  7. Embrace teamwork and improve life skills, soft skills as well as interpersonal skills. 

Simon Peter

Executive Director | Music Director

As the Executive Director, Simon Peter leads the senior leadership team and is accountable for achieving the organization's goals and objectives.

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Rodgers Nyalwal


Rodgers Nyalwal fulfills the vital role of Secretary, managing correspondence, records, scheduling and other key administrative tasks

Elizabeth Owiti


Elizabeth Owiti, as Treasurer, plays a key role in ensuring the team's financial stability by tracking expenses, forecasting financial needs, and implementing financial controls.


Theory and Practical hands-on training.

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We train both theory and modern contemporary dance.

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We make local detergents from locally available materials.

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Turning T-Shirts into colorful art designs.

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Are you a lover of arm bands? We've got you.

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Check out our musical activities including our concert calendar to stay up-to-date.

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Check out our non-musical activities here and be part of an amazing journey.

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  •  11-8-2023 00:41

In a world brimming with opportunities and possibilities, a significant segment of society finds themselves grappling with feelings of hopelessness. These individuals face overwhelming challenges, often feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of despair. The battle against hopelessness is not only an individual struggle but a societal concern that calls for empathy, understanding, and support.

2 min read
  •  15-7-2023 13:29

With more and more choirs; from denominational choirs to interdenominational choirs coming up, the choirs have opted for more inclusive songs that are appreciated by the mentioned age sets. It is a common tradition for the audience to dictate the type of music they want regardless of the genre and choral music groups have not been spared either. It is therefore important to note that choirs in Kenya have evolved: even though most of them still sing their traditional folk or cultural music. The reason for persistent in this genre of music is the rich cultural heritage in Kenya that makes it a great envy among its neighboring countries in the continent. Groups such as Seniors' Choir, The Kenyan Boys' Choir, Nairobi Chamber Chorus and Nairobi Girls Chorale among other choirs have opted for more contemporary forms of music, whereas still performing the African traditional sets.

3 min read
  •  14-6-2023 20:53

Child negligence breaks our heart every time. Emotions ran high today as we moved from place to place trying to find a permanent solution for these two children. Baby Romina is a malnourished five year old who takes care of her small brother baby Kivoya whenever their elder brother, who is in class 3, is not around. How did we reach here? We met Baby Romina last week and her physique posed a great concern to us. It immediately struck us that something had to be done. After deliberations and research from neighbours; we were unable to get hold of the parent (mother), we learnt that baby Romina together with her brothers and sister lived under extremely tough conditions. They spent not one or two but a number of nights without meals. Apart from the four walls that provides a roof for the four, baby Romina and her siblings live in an unclean and unsafe room which posses a major health risk to them. We hardly held our tears as we heard testimonies of child abuse by the parent from the neighbour. It was disheartening to hear that a class 3 child had to walk carrying his sibling to school every morning; a distance that would take them at least an hour every morning. We managed to talk to the authorities and as I write this, I'll close my eyes knowing that Romina and her brother are in a better place. However, this is not enough, we'd want Romina and her siblings to get all the basic needs, we therefore APPEAL TO YOU to help us SAVE A CHILD. We believe in you, you have always had our back and we really appreciate. Reach us now to know how to donate to baby Romina and her siblings.

1 min read
  •  26-4-2023 00:58

It has been a long journey from when we begun. We've had our fair share of series of unfortunate events. We've laughed, smiled, screamed and even cried. We've witnessed and experienced growth in equal measures.

1 min read
  • Dandora phase 1, Nairobi, Kenya

We are a choral group with members from different denominations. We do not identify with a specific denomination and are open to serving God with any denomination. We are therefore a community choir.
Seniors' Choir conducts annual auditions every year. This year's audition happened in February. We also have windows open for new membership and such are advertised through our social media platforms.

Yes you can hire us for all events in and outside Nairobi. We have a rate card which is flexible and affordable.
We perform all song genres from African traditional and modern to Western music.