Seniors' Choir
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Seniors' Choir
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{"songs":[{"title":""Seniors' Choir ft Nyokabi ft Cello" - Ngurumo or Feeding Goat Mangoes", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Inkosi Jesu", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Kumbaya", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/kumbaya", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""{Somebody's crying Lord (Kumbaya),\r\nSomebody's crying Lord (Kumbaya),}\u00d72\r\n\r\nOh Lord hear my prayer (Kumbaya), as I lift my voice and say (Kumbaya),\r\nI need you Lord today (Kumbaya), I need you right away (Kumbaya),\r\n\r\n{Somebody's crying Lord (Kumbaya),\r\nSomebody's crying Lord (Kumbaya),}\u00d72\r\n\r\n{Somebody's is in dispare (Kumbaya), somebody feels like no one cares,\r\nI know you'll make a way yes Lord you'll make a way (Kumbaya)}\u00d72\r\n\r\nOh Lord Kumbaya...\r\n\r\nSomebody,\r\nSomebody's is in dispare (Kumbaya), somebody feels like no one cares,\r\nI know you'll make a way yes Lord you'll make a way (Kumbaya)...\r\n\r\nOh Lord Kumbaya..."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Let it be", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/let-it-be", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Let it be\u00d74\r\nwhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\nlet it be\u00d74\r\nwhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\n\r\nwhen I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me,\r\nSpeaking words of wisdom, Let it be,\r\nAnd in my hour of darkness she is, standing right in front of me,\r\nSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be,\r\n\r\nLet it be\u00d74\r\nWhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\nLet it be\u00d74\r\nWhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\n\r\nwhen the broken hearted people, living in the world agree,\r\nthere will be an answer, let it be,\r\nfor though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see,\r\nthere will be an answer, let it be,\r\n\r\nlet it be\u00d74,\r\nwhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\nlet it be\u00d74,\r\nwhisper words of wisdom, let it be,\r\n\r\nand when the night is cloudy there is, still a light that shines on me,\r\nshine until tomorrow, let it be,\r\nI wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me,\r\nspeaking words of wisdom, let it be,\r\n\r\nlet it be\u00d74,\r\nwhisper words of wisdom, let it be..."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Something inside so strong", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/something-inside-so-strong", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""The higher you build your barriers, the taller I become,\r\nthe further you take my rights away, the faster I will run,\r\nyou can deny me, you can decide to turn your face away,\r\nno matter cause there's, \r\n\r\nsomething inside so strong, I know that I can make it, \r\nthough you're doing me wrong so wrong, you thought that my pride was gone, \r\noh no, there's something inside so strong, \r\nOh, something inside so strong,\r\n\r\nThe more you refuse to hear my voice, the louder I will sing,\r\nyou hide behind the walls of Jericho, your lies will come tumbling down,\r\ndeny my place in, you squander wealth that's mine,\r\nmy light will shine, so brightly cause there's,\r\n\r\n(Something inside so strong, I know that I can make it,\r\nthough you're doing me wrong, so wrong,\r\nyou thought that my pride was for, oh no,\r\nthere's something inside so strong, oh,\r\nsomething inside so strong) \u00d72\r\n\r\nBrothers and sisters, when they insist you're just not good enough,\r\nwhen we know better, just look em in the eyes and say,\r\nwe're gonna do it anyway, we're gonna do it anyway,\r\n\r\nSomething inside so strong, I know that I can make it,\r\nthough you're doing me wrong, so wrong,\r\nyou thought that my pride was for, oh no,\r\nthere's something inside so strong, oh,\r\nsomething inside so strong...."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Easter Gloria", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/easter-gloria", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Let's sing gloria for the savior has risen."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Bawo", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/bawo", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""(Bawo Bawo Bawo, Bawo ndiyabonga gomba ah,\r\nusandigcinile,)\u00d73\r\n\r\n(Ndikhokhele bawo, Zundi khokhele,\r\nNdikhokhele mveli wam, Ezintsizini\r\nZalo mhlaba bawo, Bawo Bawo Bawo,\r\nBawo ndiyabonga ngoba usandigcinile,)\u00d72\r\n\r\n(Thaluthele thuze kwami, Bawo, bawo, bawo\r\nBawo ndiyabonga Ngoba wena, usandigcinile,)\u00d72\r\n\r\n(Mmeli wami bawo, bawo uthaluthele thuze kwami,\r\nBawo ndiyabonga Ngoba wena, usandigcinile)\u00d73\r\n\r\nThaluthele thuze kwami, Bawo, bawo, bawo\r\nBawo ndiyabonga Ngoba wena, usandigcinile,\r\n\r\nNdikhokhele bawo, Zundi khokhele,\r\nNdikhokhele mveli wam, Ezintsizini\r\nZalo mhlaba bawo, Bawo Bawo Bawo,\r\nBawo ndiyabonga ngoba usandigcinile..."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Kokoliko", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/kokoliko", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""(Kokoliko! Kokokakuku kalaliranga koko,\r\nhaiyamama koko, haiyamama,)\u00d72\r\n(Ekoko, E haiyamama, koko haiyamama)\u00d72\r\n\r\nIyo Petro, Naeyamalalira,\r\n(Iyo Petro, Naeyamalalira,\r\nIyo Petro, Naeyamalalira,)\u00d74\r\nYamalalirako,\r\n\r\nO Petro yalirakhubelasina,\r\nO Petro yalirakhubelasinako!,\r\nO Petro yalirakhubelasinako!, Khulwaya lineye kanireye Yesu,\r\n\r\nNaye alalirako! Naye alalira,\r\nPetro alalirako! Naye alalira,\r\nNaye alalirako! Toto alalirako!,\r\nKhulwaya lineye kanireye Yesu,\r\n\r\nKokoliko! Kokokakuku kalaliranga koko,\r\nhaiyamama koko, haiyamama,\r\nEkoko, E haiyamama, koko haiyamama\r\n\r\n(Iyo mama, kakukukalalira, iyo mama kakukukalalira)\u00d73\r\n\r\nKokoliko koko, kalalirako, kalalira kalalira\u00d74"", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Malaika", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/malaika", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Malaika, nakupenda Malaika, \r\nMalaika, nakupenda Malaika,\r\nNami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa malaika,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa malaika,\r\n\r\nPesa, zasumbua roho yangu,\r\nPesa, zasumbua roho yangu,\r\nningekuoa dada, kijana mwenzio,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika,\r\n\r\nLife, kukuwaza we Kidege,\r\nKidege, kukuwaza we Kidege,\r\nnami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika,\r\nnashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika, \r\nNingekuoa Malaika."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Yesu Wainyanza", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Singo Jadolo", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/singo-jadolo", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""An exciting Luo spiritual encouraging Christians to celebrate Christ's resurrection."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Sigalagala", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/sigalagala", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""An entertaining Luo spiritual. We are encouraged to make noise and celebrate the Savior's coming."", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Hlonolofatsa", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/hlonolofatsa", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""iyo-o-o-o-o,o,o,hm,\r\n\r\n\r\n(iyoyoyo hlonolofatsa, iyo hlonolofatsa iyo,\r\nkalebitsolantante)\u00d74\r\n\r\n(iyoyoyo kalebitso, iyo kalebitso iyo, \r\nkalebitsolantante)\u00d72\r\n\r\n(iyoyoyo hlonolofatsa, iyo hlonolofatsa iyo,\r\nkalebitsolantante)\u00d74"", "image":""},{"title":""Seniors' Choir" - Lord of all Hopefulness", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/lord-of-all-hopefulness", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,\r\nwhose trust ever child like, no cares could destroy,\r\nbe there at out waking, and give us we pray,\r\nyour bliss in our hearts Lord, at the break of the day,\r\n\r\nLord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith, \r\nwhose strong hands were skilled at, the plane and the lathe,\r\nbe there at our labors, and give us we pray,\r\nyour strength in our hearts Lord, at the noon of the day,\r\n\r\nLord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,\r\nyour hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace, \r\nbe there at our homing, and give us we pray,\r\nyour love in our hearts Lord, at the eve of the day."", "image":""}]}
Simon Peter
Dandora phase 1, Nairobi, Kenya