1 min read
26 Apr

It has been a long journey from when we begun. We've had our fair share of series of unfortunate events. We've laughed, smiled, screamed and even cried. We've witnessed and experienced growth in equal measures.

We would like to thank God for having been our foundation. He has been a guiding factor and has led us in all the right places. We thank Him for working out the prototype, being the master planner and using us as His tools for execution.

We'd love to thank our family and friends. They've always pushed us to reach our limits and even supersede that which we thought was impossible. They've stood by us and provided us with enough time to develop and become that which we've always wanted to be.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our fans. You have always encouraged us and given us hope of a brighter tomorrow. You have encouraged us to keep pulling the cart and even assisted us when we were about to give up. You have always been a great motivation.

We thank all organizations and institutions that have stood by us and offered an helping hand. Kuumba Rodney Foundation, Psych Effect, Odwar Solutions, Methodist Church In Kenya, Latterday Saints and all organizations that have all rooted for our existence, thanks a million.

All individuals who've had to go beyond their schedules and came to our aid, you sure are our guardian angels. Asante.

As we move into the new year, we'd like to walk and work more with you. We hope that you will be more than willing to form a greater family that will spread hope to the less fortunate and build a better environment where humanity is upheld, everyone is food secure and the environment is safe for everyone.

Thanks a million to everyone.

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