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  •  15-7-2023 13:29

With more and more choirs; from denominational choirs to interdenominational choirs coming up, the choirs have opted for more inclusive songs that are appreciated by the mentioned age sets. It is a common tradition for the audience to dictate the type of music they want regardless of the genre and choral music groups have not been spared either. It is therefore important to note that choirs in Kenya have evolved: even though most of them still sing their traditional folk or cultural music. The reason for persistent in this genre of music is the rich cultural heritage in Kenya that makes it a great envy among its neighboring countries in the continent. Groups such as Seniors' Choir, The Kenyan Boys' Choir, Nairobi Chamber Chorus and Nairobi Girls Chorale among other choirs have opted for more contemporary forms of music, whereas still performing the African traditional sets.

3 min read
  •  26-4-2023 00:58

It has been a long journey from when we begun. We've had our fair share of series of unfortunate events. We've laughed, smiled, screamed and even cried. We've witnessed and experienced growth in equal measures.

1 min read