1 min read
14 Jun

The story of Romina and her siblings sent us back to the old days while growing up. Seeing our parents struggle to give us the basic needs, having to walk long miles with no hope of getting any meal was a norm for us at Seniors' Choir. However, we were lucky to have people who were willing to help, and we are grateful.

According to UNICEF ,Nationwide, 26% of children under the age of five are stunted. This rises to 46% in Kitui and West Pokot. 11% of children in Kenya are underweight, with 4% wasted. In 2020, 4.5 million children (82%) aged 6 to 59 months received two doses of vitamin A supplement. 

The cause of hunger, according to Action Against Hunger, is majorly attributed by:

  • Inequity.
  • Poverty.
  • Conflict.
  • Climate Change.
  • Disasters & Emergencies.

We talked to the locals and our members as part of our research and found out that most families can barely afford a meal. A big percentage of our members come to practice sessions having had no meal and with no hope of having any back home. Most complained of the rise in cost of living, seeing the prices of basic commodities multiply and catapult in the past few weeks. Those who are lucky enough afford a meal a day or two, having to choose either breakfast, lunch or supper.

Families around our community also complained of the same, with most parents being single mothers. This has led to children as young as an year old going for days without meals. The worrying outcome of this is negligence.  We have received, reported and tried to solve a number of cases of parental negligence. We have witnessed parents leave their kids and disappear,  untraceably. We understand that these are tough times, but our children are our motivation.

We believe that children are our source of hope. They give us strength to want to wake up and toil more. They give us joy and a feeling of self satisfaction.  Their smiles brighten our day and their sweet voices warm our heart. We are willing to share every part of us and help them see the light at the end of the tunnel. We believe that the first step to seeing their bright faces is by giving them hope through provision of basic needs.

We therefore call upon you to come on board and help us FEED OUR CHILDREN through Donating to us. Your donation will go a long way in providing food to Romina and other children hence making the community and slums food secure.

Get InTouch with us now to donate.

Thanks for heeding our call and taking the first step towards bringing change.

30% of every item bought on our store goes directly to the FEED THE CHILD PROGRAM

Seniors' Choir

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